It's Monday which means it's time for a new Crafty Challenge over on the Two Scrapbook Friends Forum, and it's my turn to deliver.
Something a little out of the ordinary for you today....a real challenge!
I'm sure we all love to scrap gorgeous photographs.....the perfect sunset, or that particular shot that captures your loved one's beautifully, but today's challenge is to scrap some of the 'bad' know, such as the wedding shot where you look as though you have a wall light protruding from your tiara! (I have one of those!).
Now before your mouse finger twitches with the urge to click on to a more saner topic, bear with me and I'll explain.
We Srapbook to preserve our memories....yes? And every photograph holds a memory....the good, the bad and sometimes the plain old ugly.
A few years ago, when my daughter was around two years old, she would constantly 'borrow' my camera and take inane shots of anything really.....a chair leg, part of her foot, 20 pics of her favourite stuffed toys! It wasn't until I downloaded photographs that I would find out what she'd been up to, which then made me smile as I spent the next 10 minutes deleting them.
Then one day I realised that in ten years time, when she had hopefully outgrown the habit, I would have completely forgotten this memory, and how it was one of her funny little quirks. That's when I decided to scrap some of the bad photo's, or in her case, these are some of the better ones!
Here's the layout I did.........
This page was created a few years ago, so probably not my best, but I'm sure you get the general idea.
I do hope you'll get a chance to take part in this weeks challenge, as I'm sure as I was, you'll be glad you did.
Don't forget to upload your creations to the Gallery and Forum, in order to collect buttons towards your next gift certificate to the store.
Have a great day,
Your Next Stamp DT Dare - Paint The Town Red
9 years ago