Hi there, did you all have a good weekend?
First I have to start by saying, I don't know how those of you living in the States survive the whole 'Black Friday'......'Cyber Monday' thing! I realise here in Canada we only get a small glimpse of the chaos you endure every year, but OMG!
I ventured out to the Mall on Friday, not really giving a thought to anything other than the fact that I needed a Birthday gift. I returned, hot and bothered, 4 hours and 3 near collisions later. What is it about the prospect of a bargain that miraculously changes the laws of the road, increases the speed limit and generally causes people to behave like complete idiots?
Lesson learned - any day of the week that is affectionately preceded by the term 'Black' anything, is a sure indication that one should stay safely tucked inside their home.......which is exactly what I will be doing next year! LOL
Anyhow, rant over, we need something to sweeten things up a little and I have just the thing....a card of course. These two guys are too cute, and obviously on a Christmas mission........unfortunately, I think one has definitely drawn the short end of the stick.........

Don't you just want to take them home?
I think even my hubby (who is not what you would call an animal lover!) would put up with this pair.
The stamp....yes, the acrylic variety, is actually a freebie I got on one of those awesome, fairly reasonably priced, card magazines you get in England that always have some sort of 'freebie' included. This side of the pond, magazine prices are quite often extortionate, and the only added extra we get is the entitlement to pay 'Tax' on top of the already over inflated fee! Fortunately I have very generous Parents and In-laws who bring me a nice little collection every time they come over to visit.
Wow, I think I may be on my soap box today, but I'm actually in a very good mood......honest!
Back to the details.

'Sooty' and 'Snowy', as every black and white 'Westie' I've ever known was called.........(OK I've only ever known one of each!) are coloured with Copic's and you may notice a small amount of paper piecing on the doggie coat there. I think I should win an award for the teeny, tiniest, piece of paper piecing ever..............see that teensy strip that lies between the leash? One milimetre wide I tell ya! You can just imagine me trying to glue it in the right spot (and what I might have been saying at the time!!!!). Worth the effort though of course.....ha!
I added liquid applique and a light sprinkling of glitter, to create the snow. Papers are from the 6"x6" Authentique Christmas pad, and the sentiment is another $1.50 rubber stamp from Michael's.
I should warn you that this is the first of many Christmas cards you'll be seeing over the next few weeks.....I have a fair few lined up for ya. I'll try and throw in something different occasionally for a little variety, but what can I say......Tis' the season!
That's it from me for today.....I'm off to colour, so have a good one.
Catch you later
Challenges entered:
Digi Doodle Shop - #84 Animals
Moving Along With The Times - Ribbons and Bows
Scrap-Creations - Christmas
Sassy Cheryl's Challenge Blog - #92 Winter
The Cheerful Stamp Pad - #30 Who's Wearing Santa's Hat?
Craft Your Passion Challenges - #86 Tis the Season
Hooked On Craft Challenges - #13 Winter Wonderland
Paper Sundae's - #97 Winter Wonderland
Stamptacular Sunday Challenge - #140 Anything Christmas
2 Sisters Challenge Blog - #67 Holiday